Shropshire Council is asking Church Stretton Town council to help pay for the library. Before you complete the Town Council Survey please think about all the people in the community who would miss the library if it were to close.

Early years – First reading books; Rhyme Time colouring (all free)
School children – books they enjoy to develop reading skills and to help with school projects; holiday reading scheme and activities; Lego Club; school visits
Teenagers – books for teenagers; quiet and warm place to do homework with friends; free wifi and computer access; volunteer opportunities
Students -online reference materials; ability to reserve text books and save the cost of purchase
Job seekers – free computer and internet access is essential to those without their own computer, so they can claim benefits and seek jobs
Work/businesses – IT facilities such as scanner, printer, computers in case of problems at home/workplace
Retired – books on hobbies; reading and creative writing clubs; educational talks; Knit & Natter
And those needing Citizens Advice; internet access; large print books; audio books; home bound service; Memory Café; Warm Place in Winter