
Our committee of trustees meets once a month to manage the running of the charity.

Please consider joining us!

Anyone is welcome as it helps to have people with different skills and experience. The one thing we all have in common is a desire to support our lovely small rural library. We like to invite prospective committee members to attend a few meetings to find out if it is something they want to be involved in, before asking them to make a firm commitment.

If you would like to find out more about what is involved, please contact us.

Current Trustees

Sheila Davies (Chair) previously worked for a UK charity supporting families with disabled children across the UK. Sha has experience of supporting local community groups and small charities. Sheila meets regularly with library staff to help coordinate library activities and is our main contact with Shropshire Library service.


Madeline Haigh (Secretary) was one of the founders of the Church Stretton Library Support group which campaigned to keep the library in its current building. Her work in campaigning to ‘keep the library where it is’ draws on many years’ experience of local community activities and committee work, and she keeps a watching brief on the policies and financial strategies of both town and county councils.


Margaret Quartly (Treasurer) brings financial and bookkeeping skills. She was previously Financial Controller for a large wholesale herb and alpine nursery.  She works to support the fundraising activities of the Friends, working closely with the Rural Charity and organising table-top sales and other events


Ben Warren is a retired headteacher who has lived in Church Stretton for over 20 years. As well as supporting our local library, he  also carries out volunteer work in Rectory Woods, helps maintain the gardens at Church Stretton railway station, is secretary of the local allotment association and acts as a quizmaster in aid of local charities.


Beth Furlong worked as a medical support secretary at the hospital in Shrewsbury. Previous to this she worked as a medical research assistant and as Personal Assistant to the Director of Adult Social Care in Cambridgeshire.  Beth has experience in fundraising and event organisation. Beth keeps our membership database up to date, helps with the processing of donations and with organising volunteers for the Visitor Information Centre .


Inese Nielsen has recently moved to Church Stretton after retiring from being a primary school teaching assistant in Birmingham. She carries a passion for books and libraries from her childhood days in Latvia.
