Books – all sorts of books including fiction, hobbies and text books to support life long learning are available on loan suitable for all ages
Early Years –It is never too early to start helping your child learn to love books
School Children – fiction, school homework, projects. Learning to use a library is a skill children will need if they are to go to college or university
Young Adults –young adult fiction, sixth form and university. Text books are expensive. If you cannot find what you want on the shelves you can always order it
Dementia Collection – a selection of resources for those living with or affected by dementia
Visually Impaired – large print and audio books are available on loan
Health on prescription – There are books and information on managing long term health conditions and staying healthy
Housebound service – a volunteer run service delivering library books to people housebound in the area.
The Shropshire library website provides online access to order and renew books.
There is a Summer Reading challenge for adults and children