Shropshire Council Finances and Cuts to Services for 2022/23

Shropshire Council are running a consultation asking people their views on savings they propose to introduce in the next financial year.

Shropshire Council propose to plug the gap in funding they face by

  • Increasing council tax by 3.99% (maximum allowed) to raise approx. £6.9 million pounds
  • Make savings of approx. £10.5 million
  • Take £13 million pounds from their financial reserves.

The proposed savings include £244,430 in library provision. We do not at this point of time know how these proposed savings will affect the library in Church Stretton but will keep you informed as we find out more.

Other savings mentioned in the consultation include

  • Various savings in provision of Adult Social Care 
  • Review of parking charges (£350,000)
  • Transport review (£130,000)
  • Review of leisure centres, including income generation (£50,000)

We would urge you to respond to this consultation and let Shropshire Council hear your thoughts on this.

If you do not feel you have sufficient background information to answer some of the questions in the consultation you are able to skip them and move to the next one, but we would still encourage you to highlight any concerns you might have in the text box below each Directorate’s questions.

The consultation can be accessed at  Budget consultation 2022/2023 | Shropshire Council.

Concern about subsequent years funding

Shropshire Council spends approx £554 million every year delivering services across Shropshire. They receive income for this from central government via the Revenue Support Grant as well as from local council tax and business rates.

Over the last few years, the Revenue Support Grant has been reduced at the same time as costs, especially in adult social care and children’s services, have increased.

This year there is a £66 million funding gap between the amount of money that Shropshire Council will receive in 2022/23 and what they require to provide services.

Thankfully they are receiving £36 million in one off grants from central government which will help them meet some of this year’s funding shortfall.

What is of greatest concern is how will Shropshire Council meet this shortfall in the following financial year 2023/24. There is no guarantee they will receive more one off grants from the government for subsequent years and by then they will have fully depleted their revenue reserves.   

We would urge you to respond to this consultation and let Shropshire Council hear your thoughts on this.

The consultation can be accessed at  Budget consultation 2022/2023 | Shropshire Council.

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