Stretton Area Planning Calendar

This calendar has been set up for groups and organisations planning one-off events. It replaces the old diary which was kept in the Library.

To prevent calendar clashes, please:

  1. Check whether there are similar events taking place around that time before setting a date for your event

  2. Add your event to the calendar here, so others know to avoid that date.

Regularly recurring events are shown separately below the main calendar. If you are running recurring events e.g. weekly, monthly - please let us know about them here

Help each other to avoid Event Clashes

One-off and multi-day events

Start Date Time Start End Event Location Name of Contact Contact Info
19-09-2024 Evening 7:30p 10:30 Wicked Little Letters - Film Screening SHI Flicks in the Stocks 07429 237955
21-09-2024 Evening Quiz evening Parish Centre Friends of Church Stretton LIbrary
21-09-2024 Morning 10.15 11.30 Concert Methodist Church Saturday morning music
21-09-2024 Evening quiz with ben warren URC parish hall Friends of CS library
08-10-2024 Evening 19.15 21.00 AGM and Talk Methodist Church Church Stretton Tree Group
17-10-2024 Evening 7:30p 10;30 Vindication Swim SHI Flicks in the Sticks 07429 237955
17-10-2024 Evening 7:30p 10:30 Film screening SHI Flicks in the Sticks 07429 237955
18-10-2024 Evening 19.00 22.30 Ceilidh Silvester Horne Institute Church Stretton Amnesty Group
19-10-2024 Morning 10.15 11.30 Concert Methodist Church Saturday morning music
26-10-2024 Evening 7.30p 10.00 Concert Methodist Church Much Wenlock Male Voice Choir
28-10-2024 Evening 19.30 meeting Methodist Church Hall Shropshire Ornithological Society Church Stretton Branch
14-11-2024 Evening 19:30 22:00 Play Silvester Horne Institute Stretton Players
16-11-2024 Morning 10.15 11.30 Concert United Reformed Church Saturday morning music
21-11-2024 Evening 7:30p 10:30 The Trouble with Jessica Film Screening SHI Flicks in the Sticks 07429 237955
25-11-2024 Evening 19.30 meeting Methodist Church Hall Shropshire Ornithological Society Church Stretton Branch
07-12-2024 Morning Write for Rights URC Hall Church Stretton Amnesty Group
12-12-2024 Evening 7:30p 10:30 Kinky Boots Film screening SHI Flicks in the Sticks 07429 237955
13-01-2025 Evening 19.30 21.00 Talk Mayfair Strettons Branch SWT
17-03-2025 Evening 19.30 21.00 Talk Mayfair Strettons Branch SWT